Friday, October 8, 2010

It was bound to happen...

I feel sick :( I think I have a cold. It was bound to happen, with all the traveling, goingfrom hot/humidity to freezing A/C, and not sleeping enough. At least I am at a place where I can rest well, and I am glad this happened after Japan and before Thailand. It's given me time to catch up on blogging about my Japan trip and on some sleep.

Got to get ready for Thailand though...I'm going to Bangkok on Thursday and I STILL haven't booked a place to stay yet...


Justin Chin said...

man I feel a little under the weather too this week. Waited for a cab in Fremont for 30 freakin minutes in the pouring rain so not like I could chill under something. I had to be out in the st. waving some mofos down. Hope you feel better.

ewo said...

yeah better now, after lots of sleep. hope are you better too. rain, in seattle now? no way :P