Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Lessons

Whew, made it through my first classes! On Monday, I taught an English class to six kids who were around 8-11 years old. I had a Thai teacher aide as well (thank goodness). The kids were so quiet in the beginning. I was a little worried that they weren't paying attention or understanding the content. But it turns out they were busy writing down the verbs and looking in their dictionaries to translate them at the same time. By the end of the class, I was able to get each student to (willingly on their own) come up to the board to fill in a blank in a sentence. It was nice to see them eager to show what they learned.

After that class, I feel lot more confident to teach. It was not as scary as I thought. I'm starting to develop my "teaching" voice too (haha..yes, me talking loud!). As much fun as it is, it is a lot of work. (Especially since I don't have a background in teaching at all.) Even planning a just a 1hr lesson takes me while, since I have to do research. Props to all you teachers and your hard work out there (i.e. Patricia)!

*I didn't take any pics of my first class but will try to take some today!

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