Friday, August 20, 2010

Sushi Pillows!

I received a nice surprise package from my old co-workers today....sushi pillows! They are by The Original Sushi Pillow. The salmon nigiri is probably my favorite, because of the "rice". The fabric they used was just perfect...white with a pattern of tiny, assorted-sized circles. Nice detail on that one! The salmon maki is great too because it can be used as a real pillow. Same with the edamame, but more like a stuff animal; it's very huggable!

Mmmmm sushi...if only they had a Sushi Land in they Bay Area...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

SF - Taiyaki


Red Bean Taiyaki

One place I always have to stop by whenever I am in Japantown is the little Taiyaki stand. (It's located in the Japan Center, where most of the restaurants are.) Taiyaki is basically a pastry treat made with waffle batter, which is poured into a fish-shaped mold, and a sweet filling. They have more flavors now, but since I haven't had one in a while, I had to get the original red bean filling. It was so good! Make sure to get yours heated, so you have a nice little crust and the filling is warm. So glad I stopped in to get one. I'll have to try the chocolate banana one next time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MIA But Back Again

has it really been a year since i posted? shame on me. not that there was not a lot going on. i just got lazy, and somewhat disinterested in what was going on in Seattle. but that is changing...i moved back to the Bay Area this past weekend for a change of scenery. i have not lived in this area since i was 18 (over 10 years!) so i am sure a lot has changed, meaning more new things to discover. i already have a few things i want to post about already, but i'll be organized and dedicate a post per topic.

i'm planning on traveling soon as well, so keep an eye out on where in the world is ewo...

*this picture i took is not of me, but of my dear friend, rutsu! it just happens to be a favorite right now and wanted to share.