Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dr. Strangelove loves

i sort of watched Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb tonight. "Sort of" because:

1. upon the opening scene, i fell in love with the Pablo Ferro's title sequence because of the typography... so much that i watched it twice before really starting the movie:

2. i didn't pay attention to the rest of the film so much...

3. ...until the ending sequence, which was wonderful! such a great combination with the visuals and Vera Lynn's "We'll Meet Again". loved it:

i'll watch the movie in it's entirety once i get over the opening and final scenes. promise.

1 comment:

was it something i said? said...

hahaha, i have not been able to sit through that one yet (and ive tried more then twice).